Friday, January 29, 2010

...the time is now.

I have three children. My oldest is 18 and heading to the Marine Corps. He was raised on texting and video games. When he watches TV he plays Call of Duty while texting and talking through his throat mike to his friends online who are all doing the same thing while listening to music from their iTunes library.
The need for broadband continues to grow. If my oldest is any indication of normal teen usage (which I am afraid he is) than it is only going to grow and grow as he matures and interacts with the digital environment in which we live. I'm in the business of bringing broadband to the world so I won't go on about the attention deficit disorders being created by one's inability to focus wholly on one task at a time (multi-tasking has it's limits) but rather on the fact that equal access to information levels the planning field across so many fronts.
I believe that as a nation and a member of the global community it is our responsibility to create access to all forms of information so as to better the greater good. In fact I started my company to enable digital media, to be the underlying fabric which weaves the web together....after what seems like eons the time is now. The availability of low cost technology (WiMAX) and hardware, a general willingness to adopt/use this technology and an administration that is at least attempting to stimulate the deployment of various technologies (including but not limited to WiMAX) to allow universal broadband has created the momentum once hoped for since 2004.
For those who may have missed it-For our nation's economic recovery, we cannot rely on those that created the problem to repair it. Universal access to broadband creates jobs, redistributes knowledge and generates discovery.